NEW 👉 Cards integrates with your existing tools: MS Teams, Panopli, Panopli, Objow, BC Diploma, Notion, Airtable, and thousands more!

Transform your team knowledge into short learning nuggets

Cards is the quickest and easyestsolution to share your knowledge in no time, online, on MS Teams and on mobile.

Get a demo
Cards répond aux enjeux RGPDCards est sécurisé : des audits techniques et sécuritaires sont réalisées périodiquementIA intégrée dans Cards micro-lerarning
outil de microlearning webApplication mobile de microlearning

They chose Simplicity

To transform their materials digestible and to keep humans at the heart of their training.digestible their supports and Keep the human at the heart of their training.

Logo Now BeLogo Decima FormationsLogo APRRLogo Culture PrevLogo MĂ©tropole de LyonLogo Bosch RexrothLogo My Learning StoreLogo MaifLogo Aramis autoLogo symbio microleanring avec CardsLogo Now BeLogo MĂ©tropole de Lyon
Logo Ariane ConseilLogo Trimoji TeambuilderLogo EdTech LyonLogo Sparklab microlearning avec CardsLogo Ready For Take OffLogo HUB612 incubateur et accélérateur de startups à LyonLogo My english School
Logo CERALogo Ca Des BoitesLogo EdTech LyonLogo Bosch RexrothLogo Maif
Logo Now BeLogo Decima FormationsThe Industrial Hive LogoLogo Pap&Pille
Logo Ariane ConseilLogo EdTech Day LyonLogo SIDER microlearning avec CardsLogo La Ruche IndustrielleLogo OnAir Fitness microlearning avec CardsLogo Schem ElecLogo Now BeLogo MĂ©tropole de Lyon
Outil en ligne de conception de formations courtes

Create a course in a few minutes minutes

Offer easy learning by building your courses with text content, videos, quizzes, gifs, assessments and much more without any graphical or coding notions.

Create your chapters quickly
Add your content
icone smartphone mobile learning
Suggest quizzes
Watch live
Use the AI assistant - NEW

Test by yourself 👇


Share knowledge to your team in a flash

Make your content available to your users or schedule the broadcast. Notify and generate engagement in no time!

User groups
Commitment notifications and reminders
icone smartphone mobile learning
Mobile application & web version
logo microsoft teams
Integrated to Microsoft Teams
visuel de l'application mobile learning et micro-learning : Cardsicone integration Cards micro-learning dans microsoft teams
Ecran suivi statistiques et mesure d'engagement sur Cards micro-learning

Measure engagement & monitore knowledge

With an editor role in Cards, you can measure and track your users' progress, completion rates, and engagement.

Statistical dashboard
Activity monitoring
Reviews and ratings

Positive Impact  
for Performances at work

Gone are the long, tedious and boring e-learning courses.
With Cards your content becomes digestible and repeatable.


in a digestible form

• Trades & Products
• Internal knowledge
‍• Compliance & Standards
• Sales forces

Learn more


for more performances

• Onboarding
• Diversity & Inclusion
• Creativity & Innovation
• Corporate Culture

Learn more

Raise awareness

inform and educate

• Ethics & CSR
• Cultural diversity
• Change Management
• Safety at work

Learn more

Testimonials Effectiveness of Cards

Used by thousands of users on a daily basis, Cards simplifies access to knowledge and the sharing of knowledge. Simple, fast, effective!

Rated 4.9 /5 by our customers.
Businesses of all sizes!

Everything has been designed to create its modules easily, without special computer skills.

Anna Martino
CEO @My Learning Store

We were able to create our courses very easily in short sequences, allowing everyone to consume them in a digestible and fast way.

David Gros
VP @Art For Science

Cards allows you to go quickly and be effective both in creating and sharing micro-training courses

Gauthier GINEYT
Lyon metropolis

Why use Cards ?

Without Cards
With Cards
Days To create
A few minutes To create
and disseminate its micro-learning
Long, tedious & not very repeatable
Digestible, memorable & repeatable
Completion 20%
Voluntary use 30%
Completion 95%
Voluntary use 90%
icone microsoft teams et cards micro-learningIcone support et assistance dans Cards micro-learningicone marque blanche Cards micro-learning
SSO login
MS Teams integration
White label
icone connexion SSO

Choosez your Plan!

2 options are available to you. Platform mode to allow you to create and monitor engagement using all the power of Cards, or the author tool to create and export your content into your existing tools.
Licenses Learners & Editors
Create unlimited content
AI assistant ✨
Follow-up progress & statistics
Create Learning Routine®
Mobile app & MS Teams integration
Custom Support & Follow-up
Author tool
Licenses Editors
Create unlimited content
AI assistant ✨
Export SCORM

DĂ©couvrez nos cas d'usage

Tous constitués de pistes concrètes liées à l’environnement d’utilisation, à la performance au travail, aux cibles concernées, avec une vision orientée KPI et objectifs à atteindre.

Voir tous les cas d'usage

Responsables Opérationnel et Technique

Permettre aux responsables opérationnels de former et tenir à jour leur équipe de manière efficace et productive grâce au micro-learning

Responsables Sécurité

Le micro-learning peut aider les responsables de la sécurité à créer une culture de la sécurité sur le lieu de travail.

Directions commerciales

Permettre aux directeurs commerciaux de fournir une formation rapide et efficace à leur équipe, sur des sujets variés et à tout moment, grâce au micro-learning.


Engagez vos collaborateurs Ă  distance avec un dispositif de formation innovant et extrĂŞmement simple Ă  mettre en oeuvre via les applications mobiles plug & play !

L&D manager

Cards révolutionne la formation en entreprise avec des formats courts, impactants & répétables ! La plateforme la plus efficace du marché pour créer et diffuser des contenus e-learning.

BU team Leader

Formez, animez et fidélisez vos équipes grâce au micro-learning !

Networks and Partners

Logo HUB612 incubateur et accélérateur de startups à LyonLogo French Tech OneLogo région AURALogo BPI innovation BPI FranceLogo EdTech LyonLogo Lyon HR TechLogo Entreprise du FuturLogo DAF For GoodLogo BigBoosterLogo UGAP, centrale d'achat publicEdTech Day Lyon logoMy English School LogoPap&Pille logoDigital LeagueLogo Learning Show RennesLogo Learning Show RennesLogo Learning Show RennesLogo Learning Show RennesLogo Learning Show RennesLogo Learning Show Rennes